Homestead Homeschool
Welcome to Stavness Learning Homestead Homeschool.
2024-2025 enrollment is now OPEN with a limited number of open spots for incoming Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th graders and 5th graders!
Homestead Homeschool is a homeschool program that serves as a supplement to your child's educational enrichment and growth as a homeschooling friend. Our educational philosophies align with Stavness Early Learning (please see tab on homepage labeled educational philosophies for more information on this). Our goal as a community is to provide a meaningful experience that fosters a lifelong love for learning and respect of our surrounding environment, whether that be on the farm, our indoor classroom, nature or relationships with one another. Our program model is a child-centered approach (child-led) to generate organic learning in a natural environment that is supported by our teacher guides. It is important to us that your child is able to explore and discover with their hands, on their feet, upside down, on the ground, in the dirt, on the farm, at the table, in the yard, and wherever their interests take them. We hope to help raise up and encourage a village of free-thinking, curious, compassionate, empathetic and adventurous little humans through both our indoor and outdoor classrooms.
"Educating the mind, without educating the heart, is like no education at all."
– Aristotle

Homestead Homeschool
2023-2024 School Calendar
(2024-2025 coming soon. Updates can be viewed on scheduling and rates)
(This academic calendar is still in the process of being revised and finalized)
1st Trimester-- August 7th, 2023 to October 27th, 2023
2nd Trimester-- November 6th, 2023 to February 23rd, 2024
3rd Trimester-- March 4th, 2024 to May 31st, 2024
Monday, August 7-- First Day of 1st Trimester, Meet and Greet
Monday, September 4-- No School (Labor Day)
Friday, October 27--End of 2nd Trimester
Monday, November 6 --First Day of 2nd Trimester
Friday, November 18-- Parent/Teacher Conferences (subject to change)
Monday, November 20-- Friday, November 24 – No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Monday, December 18-- Friday, January 5 – No School (Holiday Break)
Monday, January 15-- No School (MLK Day)
Friday, February 23--End of 2nd Trimester
Monday, March 4--First Day of 3rd Trimester
Monday, March 25 – Friday, March 29-- No School (Spring Break)
Friday, May 24 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (subject to change)
Monday, May 27-- No School (Memorial Day)
Friday, May 31--End of 3rd Trimester/Last Day of School
Thank you for your interest in our program!